Hawkeye Seventh-day Adventist® Church

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1

Change is so hard!


I don't like change! Change is so hard to accept. I like to know that I can know what is coming next. If it was working, then why change it? Change is just confusing. A number of years ago I initiated a change and I wondered if I could adapt and how long before the change would become normal? We had always had our refrigerator in the southeast corner of our kitchen. And while it was a logical place for it, it was in a corner with no cupboard on the right-hand side of it. Because it was against one wall, I could never get the door open far enough to allow me to take out the crisper drawers to clean them. Now, cleaning them is not a task that I like!!!! I was sort of okay not being able to clean them—except they eventually really did cleaning. It's kind of like my life—I can go on day to day and think that I'm alright! I haven't done anything much that I need to clean up. I can't see or smell anything that I care to get rid of until I happen to dig way back into the far corner and suddenly discover the hidden spoiled orange and the very sad head of lettuce that I need to clean out and throw out! God can always find the corner that I was ignoring that needs cleaning out. At any rate, knowing that the cleaning needed to happen, I decided to switch places with our refrigerator and freezer—diagonally across the room. No excuses for not cleaning the drawers anymore! But it was a big change! I had to remember that the milk and juice and apples and oranges no longer got put away in that SE corner anymore! Now they needed to be put in the NW corner of the kitchen—where the freezer had been but was no longer! How confusing for several days. And both appliances looked like each other in size and color. That didn't help make the change easy. 

This past year has changed me! Having multiple surgeries creates lifestyle changes. Life for me and for my husband will never be the same again. The changes that have come are changes that we are thankful for and they are changes that make us sad that they were needed. We are thankful for doctors that God gave us to help. We are not so thankful for the physical changes to our bodies. The changes leave scares that serve to remind me that change can be sad but for making my life better.


More recently, we discovered that we both were becoming a bit lazy. Having surgeries and pain and walking problems led to our laziness but we had grown into our lazy habits, and we liked them! Then came the day when we knew a little grandson was coming to visit. We did not want to tempt him with the things we had grown lazy about! We did not want him to even see our stash of medications and pills. After many months of developing lazy habits, neither of us wanted to see if there was another way just as good as our lazy ways. So I made an effort to change my ways and that meant cleaning and clearing a new place to put those medications and pills out of sight! It wasn't that hard after all, I just had to do it! Then I told my husband that he needed to make some changes to his things also. He did not want to hear that! He had words about how it wouldn't work, it wouldn't be very easy to use things, there was no room, he needed everything that was in the drawer—drawers! But in the end, he made it all work. We discussed how I don't like change—at all. But then I reminded him that he really didn't like change either. Once he saw that change was inevitable and that he had to do it or I would help him do it, he went to work and made the changes work for him and even found things he could throw away! 

If we can't figure out how to make changes in our habits, then we can just let God take over the cleaning and sorting and show us a better way. We just need to say, "God, it all needs to change! Please help me get it all in order!"


We had to change the vehicle we were driving this year. We had to change multiple times—in fact we ended up driving 5 different cars last year—change after change after change.....until now we seem to have what works for us. The changes were interesting, but it was hard and expensive! We are glad to finally have some time for no car changing! And we are still learning what all the buttons and switches and codes are for. God knows all about us—even things we don't know and understand. But He can be our "car manual" and lead us to a better understanding of how we are ultimately meant to be—His ideal for us.


I do not like to see the yellow dot of change on my computer! To me it means that something is going to change when I have to do an update and often it will be a change that I won't necessarily like. I see that yellow dot and see it with fear of what will happen this time. I do not like the changes that occur so often, that I have been known to ignore that "needed" update and ignore and ignore—until finally the point of no return comes and the computer system does an update without my permission. God does not want us to fear His updates each day as He endeavors to show us the changes we need to make to continue to be the person He wants us to be. Just as I want my computer to be the useful tool it is supposed to be, both it and I need to go through updates. Thinking about change focuses me on the idea that while life circumstances may shift, God remains constant. He provides a foundation of stability and strength to navigate through transitions; embracing change as an opportunity for growth and trusting in God's plan for our lives, even when the path seems uncertain.


God's Unchanging Nature: I need to remind myself that even when things change around you, God's love and faithfulness remain steadfast, providing a source of comfort and security. (Scripture: Hebrews 13:8) 

Growth Through Change: View change as a chance to learn, mature, and develop a deeper relationship with God. I can change and grow into a better person, one that is more useful to God's plan.

Trusting in God's Plan: Believe that even when you don't understand the reasons behind change, God has a purpose and is working for your good. (Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11) Even though I don't see a need for updates, God's updates make me a better person.

Seeking Guidance: Pray for wisdom and discernment to navigate through changes in a way that aligns with God's will. If only we could see the end of changing things, we would be able to see life can be so much better with the changes God wants to make in my life.

When I was growing up here in northeast Iowa 60 to 70 years ago, we never ever saw bald eagles. I always thought of them being only in another place—never here. And even then, I don't ever remember seeing an eagle anywhere we traveled to. And so, I am always quite thrilled to see an eagle or even 2 and it is an extra blessing to see large groups. It is a wonderful time when we see them in large numbers along the Mississippi River. A couple of Sabbath's ago, we saw not one but two eagles as we were on our way to church! One was still an immature youngster who had not had his change of dress. The other one was wearing its proper dress of the white head and tail with dark feathers on the rest of its body. In the future the young eagle will go through a change and then he won't look the same! He will proudly wear his white feathers and finally look like a bald eagle!! God want to change what we wear—He wants to give us a new white robe of His righteousness.


Every year we experience a change in seasons. Some welcome the change to winter but after many months of cold, most of us welcome the change to spring. I enjoy the seasonal changes though I am not so fond of the extreme hot temperatures or the frigid negative degree wind chills! We must adapt to those changes! And we need to accept the changes that come to us as we enter the different seasons of our lives. As I think about and reflect on the changes happening in my life, I am reminded that God is the constant in my life. Just as the seasons shift, so to do circumstances, but God remains the same, a rock of stability in the midst of uncertainty. I want to embrace these changes with faith, trusting that God is leading me towards growth and new opportunities to experience His love and grace." Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” In the end, while change can be hard, we can grow in our faith when we learn to embrace it. When we trust God's plan, He transforms us each and every day as His followers.


I am lucky enough to be able to attend the same church that I grew up in. Same! Yes, it is the same, but it is different! A series of remodeling and improvements, even the fact that we have modern bathrooms in our church and not little houses out back! We have improved heating systems and sound systems and even pews that improve so much of what used to be used for seating. None want to go back to what was! We have welcomed the changes.


Shelly Esster tells the story of A little boy standing at the home's door giving out goodbye hugs. Then he said these words—I'll see you next time, and we'll be the same but different. We all tried to grasp that such profound wisdom came from the mouth of a toddler!

But those words carried a truth we all experience. Every year, parts of us remain the same—familiar and steadfast—but other parts must change as we grow and look ahead to the new opportunities God has for us. It is comforting to know that not everything in life changes. There is a "sameness" that anchors us, a familiarity that helps us recognize ourselves and our loved ones. That sameness reminds us of God's unchanging truths. Hebrews 13:8 promises "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." The sameness gives me a firm foundation to live by. I am created for a purpose—to have a part in fulfilling His mission. That never changes throughout all the storms or joys that come my way. But while there is comfort in the constant, growing in Christ requires me to be different. For if I stay exactly the same, it will make me miss out on the opportunity for God to work in my life.  So, at the beginning of 2026, I don't want to look back on 2025 and see no growth in me, no show of transformation in me that shows I am missing out on the chance I had this year of letting God work on me to make me more like Him.  I want to be closer to Him by this time next year than I am now—today!
I want to try to embrace the changes that God is going to lead me to in the days of this year to come. I suppose that I might be led out of my comfortable sitting place and take a risk, a step forward in faith that He has a plan for me.

Where do I need to grow in my relationship with Jesus this year?
What needs to change how I have been loving and serving my family and friends and church?
What needs to change so that I can become more like Jesus and less like myself?
Am I willing to change? I want to let the Holy Spirit make me different than I am today.  


This week our pastor shared a beautiful song with us that fit right with the thoughts I had been having. The words that follow are the Lyrics for that song. 

Holy words long preserved for our walk in this world,
They resound with God's own heart Oh, let the Ancient words impart.

Words of Life, words of Hope Give us strength, help us cope
In this world, where e'er we roam Ancient words will guide us Home.

Ancient words ever true Changing me, and changing you.
We have come with open hearts Oh let the ancient words impart.

Holy words of our Faith Handed down to this age.
Came to us through sacrifice Oh heed the faithful words of Christ.

Holy words long preserved For our walk in this world.
They resound with God's own heart Oh let the ancient words impart.

Ancient words ever true Changing me, and changing you.
We have come with open hearts Oh let the ancient words impart.

Ancient words ever true Changing me, and changing you.
We have come with open hearts Oh let the ancient words impart.

Ancient words ever true Changing me, and changing you.
We have come with open hearts Oh let the ancient words impart.

Ancient words ever true Changing me, and changing you.
We have come with open hearts Oh let the ancient words impart.

We have come with open hearts Oh let the ancient words impart.


Please Lord, give me a heart that is ready for change!

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