Hawkeye Seventh-day Adventist® Church

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1

I need a lift!


Going through our mail this week I had a chance to read a funny story. I often save various things to read to Garry if I think it might be something he would be interested in. And sometimes I don't read the item in its entirety for myself—I decide to read it aloud for him later. He has always enjoyed things we share together when read aloud. And since he pretty much despises mail, I have found it better taken care of quicker this way. Often my not pre-reading leads me to surprises while reading and I just have to stop reading to laugh and chuckle and giggle. My funny story this week gave us memories and thoughts to ponder and to laugh.


While many things stand out in my memories, I am reminded of one thing nearly every day. Early one morning, I awoke and decided to begin my day by getting dressed and then heading down the stairs to start things to be done—getting breakfast started, let the cats outside, feed those kitties....... there are always things to do. My husband chooses to rise a bit later and that is ok—I get some quiet time and can do what I want. On that particular morning, I must have been thinking on other things other than being careful to go down the stairs safely. At any rate, as I was part way down, my right foot seemed to decide to go down faster than my left foot or maybe my left foot decided the right foot was going too fast and needed to slow down. With one foot quickly headed down and the other one staying in place, you can imagine my predicament! I can assure you doing the splits on the stairway is not fun! It is very painful. Our stairway is a bit narrow like is often the case in old houses.  


I suddenly found myself in a very difficult predicament! I could not stand up with one leg still on the stairs above and behind me and the other landed several steps ahead of most of the rest of me. If I couldn't stand up, neither could I find a way to sit on the stairs and finish sliding the rest of the way down. And at the same time I was in extreme pain! There was probably a scream of pain that made my husband suddenly wide awake and standing at the top of the stairs asking me if I needed help???? Hmmm, what was I supposed to say? Narrow stairs that seemed to be too narrow to let him come down to help! I envisioned some ambulance crew being summoned to help but how would they be able to offer anything that could help? There was no way past me, and I thought that perhaps I might be in my painful position forever! While I wanted help from above—either from my husband or even further above help from God, I suspected I was going to have to solve the problem myself—somehow!  I do not remember exactly how I got out of my troublesome position but between my husband coming down some steps to help move that left foot into a better position and me gritting my teeth and somehow moving despite the extreme pain, I did make it all the way down. Later I had an X-ray to see what damage I had done. There wasn't anything broken but I can assure you that I never go down those stairs without remembering the mental trauma! And I am very very careful to never get in that predicament again!  Key words—I received some help from above!



The story that got my attention this week went something like this—

A husband and wife agreed that there was a need to go shopping for a new recliner—a power recliner that would lift a person to a near-standing position. It was picked out, ordered, waited for it to arrive and then had it set up by the delivery people. This couple seldom had a power outage but as time would have it, at 12:30 in the afternoon, suddenly the electric power stopped! And as luck would have it, the man was enjoying his new chair in a reclined position, watching TV. The picture suddenly went black, the sound silent! As he tried to figure out what had happened to his TV, he realized it was a power problem and that he was trapped in his recliner! Without electricity, he was trapped and could not put the chair in a position that he could rise up from. His feet were on the extended footrest about 2 feet above the floor. And since he was a rather large man, he couldn't see a way to scoot himself forward and if he could have done that, it probably wasn't advisable to put his weight on the footrest. Stradling that footrest didn't seem possible either, even if he could have made the moves needed to do that. Though there was not an immediate need to get out of his trapped position, the impossible made him determined to get out of it! His wife suggested he take it easy and get in a nap while waiting for the electricity to return. But how is a guy supposed to sleep knowing he is trapped?  We were laughing at this poor guy as we finished reading!


He did sit, for a bit, while contemplating the alternatives. It was then he remembered he had a battery-powered radio in his office and asked his wife to get it for him since her couch did not have her imprisoned. Noticing the power cord dangling, he suddenly remembered the batteries were nearly dead and asked his wife to plug it into the outlet near his chair. His patient wife gave him a look that seemed to say she thought he was beyond stupid! Her comment—"And how do you think that will help you?" He had to admit his foolishness all the while she was continuing to laugh far longer than he thought was necessary!  Still imprisoned in his power chair, he asked his wife to bring him some fresh batteries from their supply they kept on hand. He then spent some time searching for something to listen to that was as entertaining as what he had been watching on the TV.  About 20 minutes later, the power returned to their house, and he could rise up with his power chair and walk with freedom. And then he realized that if the power had been off much longer, he would have had another kind of emergency when he found he needed a quick trip to the restroom!  This poor man needed help! Help to get out of his situation. Help from his wife that was standing over him. He needed the electricity to flow back into the overhead power lines from the power company. He needed help from above!


During the last two years of painful knees and hip, I have twice done what I thought I had determined to never do! I have fallen twice and found myself unable to get up without help—help to lift me up!! Help from above to get me off the floor!


These stories of need got me to thinking of a Bible character that was falling/sinking and who needed help to get out of his situation. He too, needed help from above. I am thinking of the story of Peter out in a boat with other disciples on the Sea of Galilee during the night around 3am to 6 am when Jesus came towards them. Fishermen on the lake would often work at night, when the fish come to the surface without fear of predators, and we have several Biblical episodes where night working is evident in the dim light of dawn. It is not surprising that the disciples cannot make out the figure that approaches them. Both Matthew and Mark say that Jesus is ‘walking on the lake’, but the remarkableness of this act is enough to record it without any further explanation. In fact, it is such a powerful image that ‘walking on water’ has become proverbial in popular culture as a way of saying someone is remarkable. Despite this, there appears to be little symbolism attached to it; like many of his miracles, Jesus is using his power to meet a need or address a situation, rather than as any kind of grand display of power for its own sake. Jesus is no magician. The disciples are terrified and think this is a ‘ghost’. Life is a storm, yet Jesus calmly walks on the surface.

We​, like Peter, think we can follow Him, though it looks impossible.
Then He Himself calls us, and as we hear His voice, we are filled with courage.
We step out of the metaphorical boat of our safe assumptions and self-made protection in order to follow Him.
Our faith fails as we are distracted from looking at Jesus and instead look at the wind and waves around us, and we feel as though we are drowning.
Yet Jesus reaches out and rescues us, and takes us once again to a place of safety.​ He lifts us up—to higher level.


No obvious reason is given for Peter’s impulsive action. Jesus comes to them across the water to offer comfort and encouragement, and He has no other way to get to them—but what purpose is served by Peter doing the same? The episode fits well with the general depiction of Peter’s character—speaking before he has thought through the implications of what he says, and acting on impulse.​ Peter called out to Jesus and He was there standing above Peter, reaching out His hand to lift Peter back up to the surface of the water to stand by Jesus' side and walk back to the boat and get on



Psalm 121​:1​—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.​ 
Benefits of help from above—Help from above is a help that cannot be stopped by any mortal. It is a help that cannot be mixed with sorrow. It is a help that causes you to be a wonder to many. It is a help that puts your enemy into confusion.​ 

How to get help from God immediately?​ To get help, the first step is to let God know that you need him and want His help. Second, ask God for His direction and for strength to stand firm in His promises. We often need help because of our past choices and sins. Ask God to help you focus on his compassion and grace to lift you out of your despair and heart ache.​  Help from above makes you to exist as if problems are not there. ️Help from above makes you a good witness, compelling people to come and worship with you. It makes you not feel shy to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. ️Help from above is something you cannot decide to live without.


We all need help from above. Our problems, some of our own causing, some from outside of our control, all need help one way or another. Perhaps you know of a favorite go to person. But I am willing to bet that you are like me—sometimes there is no one who can help you. And our only choice is to call out for help from above. 


My lift comes from above! I need God's Hand.

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