Hawkeye Seventh-day Adventist® Church

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1

Invitation to come—home!


For many years, much as I can remember from way back then....my family always took us kids to 3 different family reunions. One was my Grandma B's family reunion and she had 3 brothers and 7 sisters. I can remember being quite frightened by at least one of the brothers and there were too many of the sisters for a little girl to keep track of. The other reunions were members of my Grandpa B's family. One reunion was in Iowa and another was for the family that never migrated out of Illinois. Both took place in state parks and were all day events. All three reunions were the same to me as a child. Both of my paternal grandparents' sides of the family had annual family reunions. I barely knew many of those who did — people who were my cousins once removed.  Because it was so long between times, it was difficult to talk even to the people I knew. There were lots of people who knew who I was but I mostly didn't have a clue as to who they were. I was told but never remembered a year later when we saw them again. I just knew that we never failed to go and it was a fun time for my parents and Aunts and Uncles. Then gradually the aunts and uncles and cousins of my father and his family began to pass away. And the next generation of cousins did not continue the family tradition of reunions to try to stay acquainted and in touch. No more reunions for our family. Now I do not know my second, third cousins perhaps once removed or whatever relationship we should have.  I suppose that as the older generation died out, the younger ones decided that they didn't care to continue the tradition.

This week, our local family participated in a "new" family reunion. We discovered that our current family of brothers with kids and cousins has become quite a large group. We have immediate connections to about 60 adults, kids, and babies that could come to our reunion. How the family of 2 grandparents, now great grandparents, has grown! It is sad that some family members haven't seen each other in years. Not because we don't like each other but because of the distances that keep us apart. Then there were the extra people that joined our reunion because of some kind of connection to our immediate family, either by marriage or by being part of the Family of God, making them our loved brothers and sisters. We discovered that we could count nearly 60 people making us a very large family. Wow! Having a bonfire reunion gave us a place to be together even though it was cold made a whole lot of sense! I sat back and enjoyed seeing everyone and enjoying the introductions that helped us re-acquaint. And I noticed--there were groups hanging by themselves. Then slowly, everyone reached out and moved around and greeted each other and had a great time together—near the warm fire. We were united because of who we were. The conclusion is that we want to meet together.

Most of us have some kind of reunion weekly. We see friends here and there that we don't see often. It is an interaction between people that is mostly Hi and Goodbye, see you later! Our reunion this week wasn't an ordinary reunion. It wasn't the kind of meeting where you went to get groceries, met a distant friend, greeted each other with a HI! and then shortly, GOODBYE! No, this reunion was arranged and scheduled ahead of time--a prior planned meeting together. No one just popped up and then left. We spent time together! We look forward to the next time we can all be together! Perhaps our group will grow even larger!

Thinking about reunions made me think that we have a weekly reunion with God! It has been arranged for us to meet Him weekly--on the Sabbath! It is not an accidental meeting. He waits for us to come to His reunion that He made arrangements for. And He misses us if we don't show up. Perhaps we show Him that we don't think that we are an important part of His Family!

There is another Reunion planned for us! I am planning to be there! It is the grand reunion of God's Family in Heaven! I am so looking forward to meeting people that I haven't seen in a long time. Some of them I have never even met before. I long to meet my parents and grandparents and some aunts and uncles. My Aunty and my Uncle "Gukle" are 2 of the special people I want to see in Heaven. I want to meet Bible people--Ruth and Esther and David and Peter and Martha and Elizabeth and maybe Gideon. What a long table we will need to all be seated to enjoy another grand potluck meal. Maybe it will be another bonfire supper! We do not want to make this week's reunion the last one we have together.

John 11:52 – And not only for that nation, but to bring together and unite all the children of God scattered around the world. (NLT)
Jesus had a habit of stirring up the religious leaders. So Caiaphas, the high priest, had a suggestion: let one man die for the nation. That would be better than allowing the Romans to destroy the entire nation. Little did he know that he had prophesied God's plan that one Man would die to unite all people together into one big family. The heavenly reunion that awaits all who trust Christ as their Savior is similar in some ways to family reunions. I was ​a little surprised by who showed up at our reunion. Sometimes some come that we might wonder about. Perhaps no one knew them. Had they just wandered in? Some that I don't think will make it to heaven just might​ be there. I don't know their hearts, and God can do amazing things in the twinkling of an eye.

Heaven's reunion will be joyous — as earthly reunions are. It was always fun to see and talk to aunts, uncles, and cousins not seen in a year … or usually longer. Heaven will contain no sorrow.

People were invited to my family reunion. God charges me with inviting others to the heavenly reunion. How else will they know where it is or how to get there? This big heavenly reunion will take place daily in a comforting atmosphere — not just annually like most family reunions. No sin, sinful practices, or sinful people are invited, just the family of God enjoying each other and serving God forever. Make plans now to attend the greatest family reunion that has ever taken place.​ Prayer: Father, thank You for the invitation to attend Your family reunion. Amen.​ The downside of our reunion was that I was having to mostly sit in my chair, seeing and watching and listening to the family humor and laughter around me. They were in my thoughts, and prayers.

Picture the first moments of a family reunion. The whole extended family is reunited— aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and others. They may come from around the country or even fly in. They have not seen each other in person for a very long time, so the hugs are warm and the greetings joyful. At last, they’re together again! Paul had an “intense longing” to see the Thessalonians (2:17). They were like family to him. He’d already spoken of himself as both mother and father to the young church (vv. 7–8, 11–12). Now he referred to their separation with the word “orphaned,” not only children who’ve lost their parents but also parents who’ve lost their children.​ Paul felt this way because the Thessalonians represented “our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes. . . . Indeed, you are our glory and joy” (vv. 19–20). 

Psalm 100:1-3,5 – Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of His pasture. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. (NIV)

Once again, a family reunion was arranged, and many of the family journeyed hundreds of miles to be together. From the beginning, there was excitement, anticipation, and joyful preparations for the event. The destination looked like a campground with a large bonfire.​ The journey had been safe and many landmarks were observed: bridges crossing rivers, sleeping villages, woods beside the highway, history all around, wind turbines. After hours on the road, also was heard, "Are we there yet?"

Just as we received an invitation to a family reunion here on earth, so we have a standing invitation to attend the eternal reunion of God's family in heaven. Turning to God as our head is the key to taking our place in the family of God. To toss out ​His  invitation spells eternal separation from God. Jesus is the answer, and when we have Jesus, we have it all.​ I​ am thinking how God, the head of His family, will miss many at the family reunion of all times. All we can do is to pray and speak the blessing of God upon them​ that are missing.

As w​ go on the journey ​of life, there are landmarks that keep us mindful of each other: anxious times finishing schooling, finding a job, births, marriages, the death of loved ones, health issues, and other challenges. The Bible is our map​, our GPS showing us how to stay on the path of righteousness​ and it shares the good news of the joy of forgiveness. ​We should observe these spiritual signs showing us how to find our way to God, with a resounding "Are we there yet?"

My heart is filled with a ​joyful song of praise and gratitude as I listen to the reports of a safe and perfect family reunion. How much more triumphant will be our arriving at the heavenly family reunion because of God's love through Christ Jesus, our Lord and Redeemer!​ Prayer: Lord God, thank You for all family reunions down here on earth and finally in Your heaven. Grant that none will be left behind but that all may be found triumphantly in eternal life. We celebrate joyfully in Jesus' name! Amen!

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