Hawkeye Seventh-day Adventist® Church

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1

Little Bits!


Once again, this week, I was tasked with watching the morning news. My husband has a school bus route to drive every school morning. He has an unusual route in that he only has 3 students and has to take them on a longer than normal ride to a special school. He leaves our home at 5:50am and arrives at the school with the kids at 7:40am. Then he arrives back home around 10am. This week once again the weather played tricks on the weathermen. They tried hard to forecast the weather with accuracy but confessed to being surprised. At any rate, they got it wrong enough to cause my husband to have to turn around--twice. Most schools decide to delay or cancel school by 5:30am. But this week not all went as planned and they did not know how fast the weather was changing. My husband called me from our garage warning me how slippery it was outside and to be very careful if I went out--which I was not going to do!! He started out and then I noticed that suddenly schools were deciding to delay start for 2 hours. I called him with the news. That meant he had to turn around and come back home! A reprieve except that sleeping in was definitely out of the question now. At the end of the two hours from when he would have normally started, once again he started out and got to West Union. I was still tasked with watching the TV or checking StormTrac7 for possible school cancellations. He can't do it for himself while driving and the schools do not call individual drivers. At any rate, I suddenly discovered that the school that he takes the kids to was now closed. There was quite a list of schools, some delayed, some canceled, and the list was constantly changing as more schools found a need to cancel. So, once again I called him with the new information. And again, he turned around and came back home. And the morning was destroyed for accomplishing anything worthwhile.


Did we get a huge snow event? No, it was rather a minor snow event, barely noticeable. Was it too foggy? No, just a little foggy. Was it freezing drizzle? Yes, but not a big event! It was just a little bit of snow. It was just a little bit of fog. And it was just a little bit of drizzle. This week we had some very nice winter temperatures which made many very happy after the -40 degrees wind chills of the past weeks. They weren't on the negative side of zero and that is normally a good thing. But when the temperature is at 32 degrees or just a little bit below, that is sometimes when the trouble begins. A little bit of snow with a little bit of fog with a little bit of drizzle and a little bit of below 32 degrees all made it very difficult for schools to decide what to do. Once the weather event started, some schools delayed, some did not. Some that delayed, stayed delayed but others decided to cancel classes and other events. Too many schools have experienced the results of trying to have school in bad conditions and students have had car wrecks and lost lives because of a little bit of bad weather.


The message that empresses me as I reflect on this week, is about the little bits in my life. I do not want the little "bits" of trouble that affect me daily to keep me from eternal life. Is there something that I sort of love almost more than God? Is there a tiny little idol in my life? Are there words coming from my mouth that I do not want Jesus to hear? Do I honor my Creator on the 7th day? Did I give my parents the honor they deserved when I still had them with me? Have I had anger enough to almost wish someone dead? Did I ever take something that did not rightfully belong to me? I don't like to be accused of something I didn't do but do I do that to others? And when I see someone have something really nice, do I wish I could have it? 


Will my little bits of deliberate deviation from God's will keep me out of heaven? Will heaven be canceled for me and its door closed?

It will not be delayed, and it will be closed for some. It will be open for others. It will be on time. 

A little bit of Bible is not enough for me to get to heaven. A little bit of Bible along with a lie or 2 and some cunning deceit is dangerous. 

It can lead to a wreck of your life. It can mean the difference between eternal life and eternal death--a very bad wreck when Jesus comes to take us to forever school!!!!!!!

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