Hawkeye Seventh-day Adventist® Church

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1

So many instructions!


When you buy a tool or appliance or a machine of any kind—whether it’s a computer, a car, or a sewing machine—you almost always receive a book of instructions. We recently purchased a new to us used car. It was a much newer car than we have owned in the past, so it has many more bells and whistles and screens and things that slide and others that talk to us! And it came with instruction books—the car manuals. In fact, there were 5 of them. That's a whole lot of reading. And what did my husband do? If you assume he read every word of them, you would be wrong. He did say that he hadn't figured out how to ...... but did he read the manual? Not so much. He would rather to the search and try and discover method! He did not seem to think he needed the instruction books. Most of us set these books aside, doubting we’ll ever use them. But one day if something goes wrong with your piece of equipment, you’ll probably try to fix it yourself without any help—but not me! If you’re not successful, you’ll begin to think, “Where is that instruction book that came with this?”


We get instructions on how to care for clothing that we purchase!  How often do you look at those instructions before you wear it or put it into the laundry. If you are like me, I might look at it once when new. Then I wear it and eventually decide to put it into the dirty clothes basket. Then I sort by color and....then it gets washed without me even bothering to consider or remember what the instructions were.


I have instruction books on how to prepare food for preservation. But I trust my memory and do not use them anymore. We have books that tell us what to plant next to each other in the garden—but we don't read them. We just plant! I have many recipe books with instructions on how to prepare a tasty dish of food. But I seldom open them to read "how". Instead, I just make up my own recipe that is often less than what I was hoping for.


The last few months I have had multiple reasons to visit doctors and surgeons. Each time I need a new doctor or procedure, I receive a new book of instructions for that particular problem and its solution. I have a rather large and thick book about cancer. I have two more books with instructions on how to prepare for cancer surgery and hip surgery. I have another book to read all about radiation and how it will affect me! I have even more instructions on how to take care of my mouth after removal of several teeth. I have even another book on choosing a medical power of attorney and making a living will! Those two sets of instructions can make one think about their future for sure! Almost every one of the instruction books gave me advice on rest, and foods to eat, and various exercises that needed to be done every day, and medications/pain relief that I could try and have to do, and what nutritional supplements I would absolutely need, what clothes to wear or not wear. One told me what kind of lotion I needed to be using. When to use hot packs and when to use cold packs and they often disagreed on when! And as I tried to comprehend what the books were saying and how I could apply all of them at the same time, I began to realize that to follow each one completely would require the impossible because some contradicted the others. I had discussions with family, sons, brothers, and with nurses and with even more family! Guess what? Some of those discussions let me know that the instructions in the books were different from what my family thought should be done, their advice they thought was better for me to follow!! So much conflict and disagreement.

You know that old saying, “If all else fails, read the instructions”? Well, we’d say a person is not very wise who knows nothing about a piece of equipment and yet would refuse to refer to the directions. Yet many people never open the ultimate instruction book that tells how to fix a human being—the Bible. It’s the book that tells where we came from, what we were made for, how we can be kept in working order–in fact, exactly what will make us most useful and effective. The tragedy of life is that so many people try to live their lives without the instruction Book.

Jesus said, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Some have never opened a Bible—the mouth of God. Where should you begin? Perhaps the book of Mark in the New Testament would work. For one thing, it’s short and to the point. You’ll get a quick view of who Jesus is and why He came to earth. A good reason to study the SS lessons for this quarter!

Next maybe try 1 and 2 John. They’re near the end of the Bible, just before the last book of Revelation. As you read, mark verses that speak to your heart. We might be surprised how practical God’s instruction book is. Not only are there directions on how to live, but we get to meet the One who designed us–and He can fix anything. 

We did something recently we hadn’t done in several years—purchased a “new” car. A couple things impressed me about that experience. Number one: The prices had definitely gone up. But the other thing that made an impression was how narrow-minded those car manufacturers are. I mean, after we handed them thousands of dollars, then what did they had the nerve to do? They gave us little black books filled with all kinds of instructions—do's and don’ts about how to operate our car, the one we bought with our money. 

See if this commentary doesn’t make you a bit ticked-off: “The most important thing you can do to prevent a crash is to avoid distractions and pay attention to the road. Wait until it is safe to operate your mobile communication equipment.” Can you believe it? They’re trying to control my speech—when I can talk and when I can’t talk. What if I get the urge to make an important call? They’re trying to tell me I can’t do that while I’m driving. If that didn’t get you, how about this: “Never remove the coolant reservoir cap while the engine is running hot.” They don’t explain why not to do it. They just expect me by faith to obey what they say. What if I’m curious; what if I want to see what is down there? I can’t take the cap off? Or how about this one: “Always drive with your seat back upright.” My car has a reclining seat. What if I’m tired and want to take a nap while I’m driving? They’re trying to tell me how to spend my free time; they won’t let me relax. Who do the Honda people think they are anyway? Trying to tell us how to run our car that we paid for with our money? Obviously, the Honda Company didn’t prepare this book for their benefit. They prepared it for us. They designed our car. They know every inch of it. They know how best it operates and under what conditions it operates most efficiently. Sure, it’s our car. We can run it however we want to, but if we disregard their instructions, we do so at our own peril.

God has given us the Bible. In many ways the Bible is God’s instruction manual to tell us how to live our lives. God gave us the Bible not for His benefit, but for our benefit. To ignore it is at our own peril. He’s the One who made us. He knows every part of us. He knows how we’re wired. We can ignore His instructions if we want to, but if we do, we do so at great risk. The reason God gave us His rules for living was not to restrict our freedom but to enhance our happiness. It contains the most foundational rules God has for operating our lives. We call them the Ten Commandments. And far from what most people think, the Ten Commandments were not given to restrict us but to free us, so that we can experience life as God meant us to experience.

The BIBLE. Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. Have you ever had a hard time being able to read it and understand how it applies to your life? I have. I didn’t enjoy reading it (sometimes I still have this problem). Could it be because of the way I am reading the Bible? The Bible is God’s instruction manual to me, to teach me exactly how I am to live my life. Yet, I don’t see how I am supposed to be using it for things like the internet, social life, or where would be the best place for me to invest my money or even what car to buy or what doctor to choose and what advice to listen to.

If the Bible is an instruction manual, shouldn’t I be able to come to it with my problems and find the exact right answer? Of course I should, but of course this is not the way the Bible works. Maybe this is because the Bible is NOT really an instruction manual. Saying that the Bible is not an instruction manual, is not claiming that you cannot learn anything from the Bible. It means that maybe we are reading Scripture wrong and could be the very reason you and I may not be getting anything out of it. The instruction manual style of reading is that you will go to the text with a particular problem and expect that the text will give you the answer. Think of trying to assemble something. You sit there with a bunch of parts with no idea of how to construct your purchase. Opening up the instructions will guide you along the very process you must go through to get the desired result. Instruction manuals give us a path that must be followed with 100% accuracy if we have any hope of attaining the intended result. The Bible does not, and cannot, function in this way. Rather the Bible functions like many great pieces of literature, teaching us virtues and a morality that is intended for us, to be the kind of people we were created to be. It teaches concepts, not processes. Approaching the Bible like an instruction manual might lead many people to make the wrong choices, simply because it is in the Bible. Example: the ''Abraham, Sari, and Hagar story!”

The Bible is made up of 66 separate literary books. Each one has its own meaning and understanding behind it. We must approach each text differently, in order to understand what God is telling us through His Word. If I approach the Bible as an instruction manual, I will probably miss the meaning entirely and end up with a very skewed view of God. Do not try to read the Bible as an instruction manual. Despite what some may say, the 66 instruction books do not tell me to do different conflicting things. God is teaching us things through His Word, but it is not meant to be a prescription. It teaches the morality of being a Christian, but it does not give us the instructions on putting that morality into place every day throughout all time. Reading the Bible shows us a path to deeper connections with God; to truly be someone that seeks after His heart. There have been many people, with good intentions, all throughout history that have made it difficult for people to approach Scripture appropriately.  If we come to the Bible expecting something like a spiritual owner’s manual complete with handy index, a step-by-step field guide to a life of faith, and an absolutely sure answer-book to unlock the mystery of God and the meaning of life, then conflict and stress will follow.

Instruction from Proverbs 16:20-30 MSG--
It pays to take life seriously; things work out when you trust in GOD. A wise person gets known for insight; gracious words add to one’s reputation. True intelligence is a spring of fresh water, while fools sweat it out the hard way. They make a lot of sense, these wise folks; whenever they speak, their reputation increases. Gracious speech is like clover honey— good taste to the soul, quick energy for the body. There’s a way that looks harmless enough; look again—it leads straight to hell. Appetite is an incentive to work; hunger makes you work all the harder. Mean people spread mean gossip; their words smart and burn. Troublemakers start fights; gossips break up friendships. Calloused climbers betray their very own friends; they’d stab their own grandmothers in the back. A shifty eye betrays an evil intention; a clenched jaw signals trouble ahead.
Proverbs 16:20-30 - NLT 20 Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the LORD will be joyful. 21 The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive. 22 Discretion is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it, but discipline is wasted on fools.

God offers instruction, but then it's our move. We must accept His instruction and apply it to our lives. Only then, can we expect to cash in on the benefits of His instruction. The application is the essential link between instruction and change. God has sent us His instruction. He has preserved every word of it in a book, the Bible. It's all there, just as He communicated it to us. When He returns for His own, He isn't going to ask us how much we memorized or how often we met for study. No, He will want to know, "What did you do about my instructions?"

Instructions from God are special ones for me—and you!

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